Letters to Violet - 6 months

January 01, 2018

Today is a New Year.
Today you are 9 days away from being 7 months old. 
Today I failed you as a mother. 

We spent New Years weekend in Rocky Point, Mexico, with your Grandma Christine and Papa. It was a fun, eventfully and a very exhausting weekend. Before we left for Mexico, you got you 6 months shots. You also got a slight fever from those shots. A sick baby traveling is not fun for anyone, but being the trooper you are, you smiled the whole way through.
You didn’t sleep much on this trip. You wanted to be nursed and comforted every hour on the hour. With your lack of sleep plus mommy and daddy‘s lack of sleep ... we were a tired bunch and we couldn’t wait to get home.
Finally home, Mommy rushed to get things unpack and washed to have a fresh start to the week. Since you didn’t sleep much over the weekend you were a fussy tired baby. My first mistake was not stopping what I was doing to comfort your fussiness. I was in and out of the room putting things away. 
One second.
They say. All it takes is one second. That loud thud had me running. Your screams torn me in two. And seeing you on the ground broke my heart. All I could do was hold you and rock you, praying to god you were okay. Your daddy went to get your doggies, so he doesn’t know about your fall. My fail. Mommy is a little scared to tell him. 

My lesson was definitely learned! You wont remember this when your older, but I will for the rest of my life.

Mommy loves you V.

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